Dr. Muhammad Kashif Ayub, Dr Abid Hussain, Dr Waqas Ahmad
Objective: The main purpose of this research work was to assess the wide-ranging appearance, mortality, morbidity & results of different methods of surgery performed in the patients suffering from the tuberculosis of the abdomen cavity. . Study design: This was a case series case study. Venue and period of the research work: This research work conducted in the number 3 & 4 surgical units of Mayo Hospital Lahore. This case work started in May 2014 and lasted up to November 2017. Patients and Methods: All the patients suspected medically to have the tuberculosis of the abdomen cavity, proved by the interrogation and outcome of gross morphology at the time of surgery and histo-pathologically confirmed caseating granulomas were the part of this research work. Results: A sum of eighty six patients were the participants of this case study. The average age of the patients was 35.60 years. Females were double in quantity as compared to male. The tuberculosis of primary intestine was available in 78.0% patients. Total 52.30% patients found with 1 or many strictures relating the distal ileum & region of ileocaecal. About 27.90% patients found with extra mass in the region of ileocaecal. Perforation was present in 19.80% patients. The rate of mortality was 2.30%. The main after surgery problems happened in the cases of 13.90% patients. The drugs against tuberculosis were in the prescription of every patient for complete twelve months. Six months was the median follow up duration. 82.50 patients were performing well till their final visit. Conclusion: Patients found with the obstruction in bowel chronic or acute, should get a complete follow up to overcome the tuberculosis of the intestines. In the availability of the damage of bowel with peritonitis of faeces & sepsis inside the abdominal cavity, we found the ileostomy as a safe method as compared to the primary anastomosis. Key words: Abdomen, cavity, methodology, tuberculosis, ileocaecal, acute, chronic, duration, design.