Guyter O.S, Mitin N.E, Medvedeva K.P, Oleynikov A.A
The quality of life of a dental patient is defined as the range between the expected result and experience, therefore the evaluation of the treatment by the patient is increasingly recognized as an important alternative result criterion. Modern scales for assessing the psychosomatic state of patients allow for a deep, multifaceted analysis of physiological, psychological, emotional, and social disorders in various diseases. For the first time at the stage of stomatological orthopedic rehabilitation, clinical testing of the psychological type of attitudes towards one’s own disease of patients with extensive acquired maxilla defects after surgical interventions on nasopharyngeal zone cancer was used to test the type of attitude towards the disease. This testing system was named “TOBOL” [1]. That made it possible to optimize the orthopedic treatment protocol depending on the timing of the resection of the maxilla and improve the quality of rehabilitation in each case. Key words: quality of life, orthopedic rehabilitation, acquired maxilla defect, obturators, psychosomatic condition of patients