Allah Nawaz, Dr. Shamsuddin Mir Muhammad Jan, Dr Rezaullah
Objective: The objective of this work is to find out the different factors of risk linked with the disease of PSC (Pre-senile Cataract) in the patients selected for the surgery of cataract. Methodology: This study was conducted at Mayo hospital Lahore from November 2016 to October 2018. Patients suffering from cataract have the age of 30 to 55 years were the part of this research work. The availability of the factors of risk as DM (Diabetes Mellitus), great myopia, professional contact to the metal work, atopic dermatitis & cigarette smoking were under consideration and recorded. Visual perception, examination of the anterior & posterior segments carried out after that measurement of the axial length performed. Result: Total 254 patients who were fulfilling the standard of the study included in this research wok. One hundred and eighty one were men with an average age of 44.70 years & 73 were females with an average age of 43.80 years). The involvement of the unilateral eye was available in 108 cataract patients whereas the involvement of bilateral was available in 146 cataract patients. The frequency of the risk factors was diabetes mellitus as 26.0%, high myopia ass 16.10%, cigarette smoking as 15.0%, exposure to metal work as 3.10%, atopic dermatitis as 2.0% while 37.80% patients found as idiopathic. The significant was available in the rates of the risk factors & the average age in accordance with the availability of risk factors. There was no important relationship available among age of the patient with the risk factors and sex of the patient. Conclusion: This research work displays that idiopathy was contributing in a large amount of the patients suffering from PSC followed by DM, great myopia & cigarette smoking. Key Words: Pre-senile, cataract, DM, PSC, myopia, methodology, unilateral, bilateral, exposure, measurement.