Alexander Shuvaev, Olga Butova, Victor Lebedev, Inna Lebedeva, Tamara Skrebtsova
Modeling socio-economic processes is an important methodological tool that allows you to formalize the development of this process or phenomenon in a certain time period. This makes it possible to adequately assess the main characteristics and properties of the control object, to determine the vector of its development for the future, to formulate the optimal management decision. The model of the socio-economic process can be used in predicting the production activity of an object, reflecting the main trends of its life cycle. Meanwhile, at the present time, nonlinear, stochastic and bifurcation models are insufficiently studied and scientifically valid in relation to the development of various commodity markets, including financial, commodity markets, investment and consumer goods markets, the labor market, etc. The article examines acceptable options for an open three-sector model for the development of an economic regional system that takes into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the labor market, the financial market and the market for marketable products. This made it possible to carry out a scientific forecast of the main parameters of the regional labor market in the short term. Key words: modeling, forecasting, socio-economic system, region, sustainability, development model.