Dr. Firdaus Fatima Tiwana, Dr. Zareen Tahir, Dr. Hassan Iftikhar
Objectives: The main aim of this case study is to find out the management of the patients and outcomes of the foreign objects in the nose of the children. Methodology: This elaborated study conducted in the department of ENT, Mayo Hospital Lahore. This study started in March 2018 & lasted up to February of 2019. Total 257 patients of FBN (Foreign Bodies in Nose) up to the age of twelve years were the part of this research work. The personal information of the patients, medical aspects, interrogations, the details of the management & problems record maintained on a special organized Performa. In very small non-cooperative patients, the removal of the foreign objects conducted under anesthesia. In the cooperative patients, suction, hook for body & forceps were in use instead of anesthesia. Results: Among the total patients of FBN, 48.460% were in the age group of 4-8 years, with the dominance of the male patients as 63.0%. Bilateral & unilateral appearances were available in 95.0% & 5.0% patients respectively. The most frequent foreign objects were beads of plastic, sponge pieces, beads & objects of small round shape. We also found 2 patients of the alkaline battery stuck in nose. We found a great success rate with the general anesthesia. Conclusion: Objects with round shape & small children have association with adverse results with several efforts for removal under the normal vision. The transfer of these patients should be carry out to the otolaryngologists for elimination of the objects with the help of anesthesia. Keywords: FBN, Foreign, objects, methodology, association, bilateral, unilateral, management, dominance, anesthesia.