Dr Aqsa Liaqat, Dr Saad Ahmad, Dr Sarosh Jameel
Introduction: Passive smoking is sometimes referred to as environmental tobacco smoke. It is a combination of the smoke exhaled by a smoker that comes from the end of a burning cigarette or cigar. When someone breathes in the smoke, it is often referred to as passive smoking. For a non-smoker, breathing in second-hand tobacco smoke still carries significant health risks and also there is no known safe level of exposure to passive smoking. Objective: To create the awareness regarding the effects of passive smoking among general population of Bedian Road Lahore Methods: A cross-sectional survey will be conducted and data will be collected through a self-administered questionnaire from general public of Lahore. The questionnaire will consist of Information about demographic characteristics, smoking habit with in family, number of cigarettes smoked per day. Results: 80% people are aware of effects of passive smoking and 20% are not aware of effects of passive smoking. The people who are aware about the effects of passive smoking are mostly lie between the age group of 20 to 30 years. Conclusion: People of age group of 20-30 years have more awareness about the effects of passive smoking as compared to other age groups. Key words: Passive smoking, Awareness, Hazards.