Dr Adnan Iqbal, Dr Muhammad Shoaib Khan, Dr Muhammad Arshad Ilyas
Objective: Otomycosis is a mycotic infection of the ear because of fungi. The objective of this research work is to determine the types of fungi which are the cause of otomycosis, its prompting factors & sex distribution in the abnormality of otomycosis. Methodology: Total 15 patients were the part of this research work. There were total 73.3% (n: 11) female patients in the research work & 26.70% (n: 4) patients were men. The presence of the aspergillus, fruiting body, conidia, yeasts & aseptate mycelium were confirming the prevalence of otomycosis. The examination of swabs carried out for the identification of the causative factor. Results: Microscopy & examination of culture confirmed the occurrence of otomycosis in fifteen patients in which eleven were females and four were males. The pathogens of fungi which were very frequent were A. Niger in eight patients, followed by A. flavus in two patients, A. fumigatus, penicillium spp, candida albicans, c. parapsilosis & rhizopus spp were each available in 1 patient. Conclusion: The findings of this research work showed that this disease was less common in males as compared to females A. Niger was the main reason for the incidence of this disease in this research work according to the findings. Severe itching & pain are the outcome of this disease otomycosis. KeyWords: Complication, Otomycosis, Incidence, Culture, Examination, Occurrence, Abnormality, Fungi, Methodology.