* Dr Ghazala Amin, ** Dr Uzma Zahoor,*** Dr Erum Jahan
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of obstetric gel application on pregnant nulliparous women in the first and second stage of labor, to evaluate on the perineum with its protective effect, and the maternal and fetal outcomes related with this procedure. Study Design: A prospective and randomized controlled study. Place and duration: In the Obstetrics and Gynecology department of Sulaiman Al Habib Medical Group Hospital, Riyadh for one year duration from December 2017 to December 2018. Methods: Into two groups; between 37 and 41 weeks of gestation nulliparous women admitted to our hospital were randomly divided. The pregnant women were not given any induction during their labour; Normal amniotomy was performed as routine, but during delivery routine episiotomy was not done. In both groups, episiotomy need, perineal laceration, laboratory data, newborn data and birth stages were compared. Results: 200 total pregnant nulliparous females (n = 102 in Group I, in Group II: n = 98 spontaneous follow-up, treated with gel) who met the criteria of the study were evaluated. There was no difference in laboratory data, neonatal results and maternal demographic data. The 1st and 2nd stages of labor were statistically significant and shorter. In terms of need for episiotomy/ procedure; there was no variation between the groups. As for the cases with mild perineal lacerations (first and second degree) and no fetal heart, the outcomes were better relatively in pregnant women with gel and there was no statistically significant variation in perineal lacerations at advanced stage (third and fourth grades). Conclusion: In nulliparous women, during delivery the use of obstetric gels leads to a significant reduction in the stage of labor and less tearing. Key Words: labor, obstetric gel, Labor facilitation.