Dr Muhammad Aslam Rind, Dr. Maria Nazir, Dr Muhammad Saleem Rind
OBJECTIVE: To determine serum uric acid in patients with acute ischemic stroke. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The patients of 35-70 year of age, either gender who were admitted in our hospital with first-ever-in life time acute ischemic stroke with CT scan evidence of infarction within 24 hrs of onset of stroke. All subjects gave informed consent while the blood samples were taken within 24 hrs of onset of stroke for baseline investigations and serum uric acid level and sent for biochemical analysis while the frequency / percentages (%) and means ±SD computed for study variables. RESULTS: During six months study period total fifty patients with acute ischemic stroke were explored and studied. The frequency for male and female population was 32 (64%) and 18 (36%) with mean ± SD for age of male and female individuals was 60.83±8.62 and 58.84±7.83 respectively. Gender male 35 (70%), female 15 (30%), smoking 30 (60%), alcohol 13 (26%), residence urban 32 (64%) and rural 18 (36%) where as the hyperuricemia was identified in 32 (64%). CONCLUSION: The elevated serum uric acid level is detected in patients with acute ischaemic stroke. KEYWORDS: Uric acid, Ischemic stroke, cerebrovascular accident.