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Dr Rana Muhammad Arslan Anwar, Dr Javaria Khurshid, Dr. Ali Arshad


Introduction: BMI between 18.50kg/m2 and 24.99kg/m2 indicates normal weight An adult having a Body Mass Index of 30kg/m2 or higher is considered obese whereas an adult who has a BMI between 25kg/m2 and 29.9kg/m2 is considered overweight. [2] A person is usually overweight due to fat deposition but may also be due to other causes for example fluid retention. Obesity is further classified as: Class I obesity: BMI ranging from 30kg/m2 to 34.9kg/m2; Class II obesity: BMI ranging from 35-39.99kg/m2; class III obesity: BMI equal to or greater than 40kg/m2.[3] It is an outcome of lifestyle factors over a period of time and not a sudden occurrence. It has been on rise for years bringing with it many negative physical and emotional consequences for families. Objectives: To determine the knowledge of mothers about childhood obesity and to determine the role of mother’s attitude and practices in causing childhood obesity. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study (non-interventional). Setting: Community of Lahore City. duration: 3 months after approval of synopsis. Sample Size: A total of 100 cases will be taken in this study. Sampling Technique: Simple random technique. Results: A total number of 100 mothers having children up to 14 years were interviewed for this study. Minimum age of children was 3 and maximum was 14. 40% children had normal BMI whereas 60% had BMI higher than 25 and fell in the categories of overweight and obese. In terms of education 71% were educated while 29% were uneducated. Among all the mothers interviewed 38% were working mothers. 21% belonged to families of low socioeconomic status, 43% belonged to mediocre socioeconomic background, 29% to well off families and 7% belonged to high socioeconomic status. 55% of the mothers were ignorant about childhood obesity and its associated hazards and 48% refused to acknowledge their child as overweight or obese. Conclusion: After a meticulous analysis of the results of our study it is concluded that more awareness is needed among mothers, even educated ones, regarding childhood obesity and its adverse effects on health in the long run. Most of the mothers refused to acknowledge their child as overweight or obese and did not regard childhood obesity as a serious health hazard. Maternal practices such as buying unhealthy food, allowing children to skip breakfast, stay up late at night, watch T.V for hours and not encouraging them enough to engage themselves in physical activities are at the heart of the problem of childhood obesity.


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