Dr. Sara Mateen, Muhammad Gulfam Rafiq, Dr. Afeefa Saeed
Objective: The aim of this study was to draw a comparison of vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) relief signs after taking cromolyn sodium (4%) and ketotifen fumarate (0.025%). Material and Methods: We conducted this comparative research at Mayo Hospital, Lahore from April to October 2018 on a total of six hundred VKC symptoms patients. Institutional ethical approval was also taken before research commencement along with the patient’s informed consent about the research protocols. Data analysis was made through SPSS software (P-Value = ≤ 0.05). Results: Research sample was divided into Group – I & II; the respective mean age for Group – I was (17.01 ± 5.13) and for Group – II (16.72 ± 5.02) years. There were 215 patients of VKC symptomatic relief (71.67%%) who received the management of Ketotifen Fumarate than 162 patients who were treated with Cromolyn Sodium (54%). VKC symptomatic relief was better among male patients than female patients. Conclusion: VKC symptoms relief by using ketotifen fumarate (0.025%) is effective instead of using cromolyn sodium (4%). Males were relatively better relieved than females. We can take it as a drug of firstline choice for VKC symptoms relief among patients. Keywords: Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis (VKC), Symptoms, Relief, Cromolyn Sodium and Ketotifen Fumarate.