Dr Sajjad Ahmad, Dr Muhammad Awais, Dr Najeeb Ullah
Objective: The purpose of this research work is to find out the serotypes of hepatitis C virus in the patients are suffering from CLD (chronic liver diseases), which is secondary to the chronic infection of HCV in the areas of Upper Punjab, Pakistan. Material and Methods: The patients having the medical traits of CLD, high level of ALT, found with + anti hepatitis C virus & hepatitis C virus ribonucleic acid + with the help of PCR have to undergo the hepatitis C virus serotype determination. This study was conducted in Allied Hospital Faisalabad where we gathered the data of confirm patients of HCV infection for investigation, the ethical committee gave his approval for the conduct of this research work. Patients gave written consent to participate in this valuable work. Results: There were 148 patients in this research work. Male and female patients were 62 & 86 respectively. Ninety-five patients (64.10%) found with hepatitis C virus serotype 3. Most of the patients of HCV serotype 3 were from 30 to 60 year of age. The 2nd & 3rd very frequent kinds were not able to be type and hepatitis C virus serotype. Females were dominant to males in the matter of number. Conclusion: The patients who were suffering from the lingering disorders of liver because of the infection of HCV in this specific part of our country Pakistan had mainly serotype 3 of hepatitis C virus. Key Word: Hepatitis C, Chronic Liver Diseases, Untypable, Dominant, Infection, Determination.