Dr Sabeen Adil, Dr Faiqa Aslam
Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the stricturoplasty for the patients suffering from the strictures of small intestinal tuberculosis. Methodology: This retroactive descriptive research work carried out in Department of Surgery, DHQ Hospital Faisalabad. The duration of this research work was from January 2014 to December 2018. Total 60 patients with the tuberculosis of small intestine who faced the surgical procedure of stricturoplasty were the part of this research work. The application of the method carried out according to conventional way in all the patients, in 70.0% patients the closing of the intestine carried out in 2 layers and in the rest of patients the closing of the intestine carried out in single layer. Results: We found initial complications in twenty three patients as anastomotic leakage with the formation of the fistula in 15.0% (n: 9) patients, abdomen burst in 8.340% (n: 5) patients & sub diaphragmatic abscess in 15.0% (n: 9) patients. The delayed complications were under observations after the average follow-up of complete 2 years include obstruction of the intestine that made the readmission of the patient necessary in 15.0% (n: 9) patients, though the exploration of the infected was the requirement again in only 5 patients. There was a confirm presence of incisional hernia in 15% (n: 9) patients. Conclusion: The complications after the application of surgical method of stricturoplasty are very frequent but this procedure is very simple and secure for the strictures of the small intestinal tuberculosis because it requires no skillfulness, less duration of surgery & preserve the length of the gut. KEY WORDS: Stricturoplasty, small intestine, anastomotic, conventional, complication, surgery, methodology, tuberculosis, diaphragmatic.