Dr Sabeen Adil, Dr Faiqa Aslam
Objective: The aim of this study was to find out the symptoms & complication frequency with the formation of the colostomy in small aged children. Methodology: This was an elaborated research work. This study was carried out in the Department of Surgery, DHQ Hospital Faisalabad. The duration of this study was from May 2017 to January 2019. Patients who were undergoing colostomy were the part of this study. The exclusion of the already operate children and or referred children after colostomy carried out from this study. The accomplishment of lop colostomy carried out in all patients. The anomalies and complications after the construction of the colostomy recorded on a Performa. Results: The formation of 37 colostomies performed in total thirty six patients. Loop colostomies of Sigmoid were present in 51.350%, left & right transverse colostomies were present in 24.320% each. The surgery of all the patients performed because of congenital issues. Total 28 patients found with anorectal malformation & eight patients found with (HD) Hirschsprung’s disease. The most frequent issues linked to stoma skin excoriation in 58.820% & stoma prolapse in 50.0. Anemia because of chronic loss of the blood was present in 53.330% patients. A greatest amount of complications found in the transverse loop colostomy in comparison with the sigmoid loop colostomy. Total 13.880% (n: 5) patients met their death because of different complications high fever, septicemia. Conclusion: The formation of the colostomy in the children is the cause of high rate of complications and issues which is need of the careful method. The method sigmoid loop colostomy is very effectual because it has a very low frequency of the complications. The clinic of stoma care and enterostomal specialist can be effective for the awareness of the families for the care of stoma & to lower the prevalence of the complications. KEY WORDS: Sigmoid, Enterostomal, Colostomy, Stoma Intestine, Prevalence, Treatment.