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Juvvadi Sharvani Rao, Gunda Mounika, Moola Neethika Reddy, Kadarla Rohith Kumar*


Neurotoxicology is the science that deals with the adverse effects of naturally occurring and synthetic chemical agents on the structure or function of the nervous system. Many industrial and recreational solvents can cause neurotoxicity. Pharmaceutical neurotoxicity is very common and may be iatrogenic or self-initiated. Vinca alkaloids and taxols are at high risk for neurotoxicity. : International validations authorities such as OECD, EURL, ECVAM, and ICCVAM have not reviewed or validated any non-animal method or alternative testing strategy for assessing neurotoxicity. Thus, regulatory authorities have not accepted any non-animal method or alternative testing strategy for neurotoxicity testing.Most morphological changes such as neuropathy (a loss ofneurons), axonopathy (a degeneration of the neuronal axon),myelinopathy (a loss of the glial cells surrounding the axon),or other gliopathies, would be considered adverse, even if structural and/or functional changes were mild or transitory. Neurotoxicity canalso occur as a result of indirect effects, such as damage to hepatic or cardiovascular structures, or because of interference with the endocrine systems. Some chemicals may have multiple modes of action and may affect the nervous system both directly and indirectly. Forexample,some halogenated compounds may interact directly with brain cells, and also affect the development of the nervous system by altering thyroid hormone homeostasis. Encephalopathy, movement disorders, visual system impairment, psychiatric and behavioural disorders are some of the common complications associated with neurotoxic agents Key Words: Neurotoxic agents, Encephalopathy, nervous system, neuropathy...


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