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Dr Neelum Zahir, Dr Muhammad Nadeem, Dr Abu Baker


Objective: The aim of this research work is to evaluate the occurrence of SUI after child birth, the association between stress urinary incontinence & delivery mode and the relationship between stress urinary incontinence with the other obstetric features. Methodology: This study is prospective research work, total 900 primiparas’ females with no past background of urinary incontinence were the part of this research work and we followed those females for four months after their delivery. The calculation of the impacts of the nominal variables carried out with the utilization of the V2 & Fisher’s exact methods. Result: The incidence of the stress urinary incontinence was 12.8% and there was a strong association of the delivery mode with the SUI. The rate of occurrence was 13.88% after delivery through vagina, 8.68% after the delivery through elective CS (Cesarean Section) & 23.0% after cesarean section performed after the obstructed labor attempts. The occurrence of the SUI after child birth was same for delivery through vagina and cesarean section after an obstructed labor. In the meantime, elective cesarean section with no labor trial was present with an association with a considerably less occurrence of the SUI after the child birth. A BMI of the mother more than thirty before the pregnancy & weight of the fetal greater than 3 kg appeared to have association with high rate of occurrence of the stress urinary incontinence. Conclusion: There is low occurrence of the stress urinary incontinence after the elective cesarean section. Key Words: Incontinence, Occurrence, SUI, Urinary, Vagina, Delivery, Variables.


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