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Areej Abdulrhman Alotaibi , Fatma Mohammed Al-Shehab , Mohamed Emad Ghorab , Fahad Abdullah Alhamdan , Najla Abdullah Alsubyani , Bayan Ali Alqarni , Hadeel Abdullah Alziyadi , Hajar Rida Almoqbel , Ruba Abdulrahman Saleh , Zainab Mohammed Al Faraj


Background: Breech presentation is referred to the fetus in the longitudinal lie with the buttocks or lower extremity when initially enters the pelvis. Breech presentation is about 3%– 4% of every single fetal presentation at term. A higher percentage of breech presentations happens with less advanced gestational age. Methodology: We conducted this review using a comprehensive search of MEDLINE, PubMed, and EMBASE, January 1985, through February 2017. The following search terms were used: breech, prevalence of breech pregnancy, classification of breech, management of breech, external cephalic version Aim: In this review, we aim to study the prevalence and types of breech, and the best way to manage it. Conclusion: The most secure mode of delivery in case of breech presentation has for quite some time been a debate in obstetrics. It is advised to carry out elective cesarean section as opposed to vaginal delivery for singleton term breech pregnancies when there is fetal trouble, macrosomia, footling breech presentation, clinically insufficient maternal pelvis, growth-restricted child, placenta previa or fetal anomaly incompatible with vaginal delivery, or if an expert clinician is absent or the physician lacks sufficient expertise for VBD. Keywords: breech, elective cesarean, breech delivery, external cephalic version.


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