Dr Muhammad Abdul Rehman, Dr Mohammad Mustafa, Dr Salik Ahmed Cheema
Ventilation-related pneumonia (VAP) is one of the major causes of weaning failure due to mechanical ventilation. Adequate treatment of VAP according to sensitivity and culture pattern leads to early extubation and weaning from mechanical ventilation. Objective: To describe the frequency of VAP in pediatric intensive care units (PICU). Study design: Hospital based descriptive study. Place and duration: In the Pediatric Unit I of Services Hospital Lahore for one year duration from October 2017 to October 2018. Methods: A total of 100 children from one month to 18 years of age were ventilated and studied for one year. All patients underwent radiographies and complete blood counts (total leukocyte count, differential white blood cell count) and blood tests including blood cultures were performed in all patients. Conclusion: It was determined that 32 of 100 ventilated children had VAP and Pseudomonas was the most common organism in blood culture. Ventilation time was not a contributing factor to VAP development. Key Words: Ventilator, Pneumonia, Pseudomonas.