Dr Farman Mahmood, Dr Maria Tariq, Dr Muhammad Tahir
Objectives: Facial symmetrical designs or patterns have the main preferences by the viewers. But, this process about the perception of the symmetrical patterns is very much away from perfection and it has a great influence of the subjective features. The aim of this research work is to elaborate the disparities among subjective and objective evaluations for the perception of the symmetrical patterns of face. Methodology: To perform the objective assessment, we analyzed the anteroposterior photographs of four hundred and fifty persons anthropometrically for their facial symmetries. The subjective assessments were carried out by 7 persons who evaluated every face on the basis of solely on the facial symmetry. Results: This research work showed the disparity among subjective assessments and the objective evaluations. We found no statistically essential difference having concern about the frequencies derived from the points of anthropometry between both genders. When we carried out the comparison of the frequencies, no person was present with a perfect symmetrical face and all the patients were present with asymmetry in 1 or more than 1 of their points of anthropometry. Conclusion: While performing subjective assessment, we found asymmetry most frequently in middle 3rd of the face. During the subjective assessment, alar margins and the nose are the determining points for the examiners. So, we can say that best sit for the inference of the asymmetry is middle 3rd of the face. Due to these factors, majority of the population having complaints about asymmetrical pattern of noses and they undergo rhino-plastic surgical intervention. This study also shows the disparities among persons for subjective assessment. These disparities and deficiency of objectively facial symmetries for every points set are much vital for the persons pleading for plastic surgery methods like rhinoplasty out of appealing outlook. KEYWORDS: Symmetry, Assessment, Evaluation, Plastic Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Facial, Surgical Intervention.