Dr Muneeba Bint-E-Saeed, Dr Amna Shafiq, Dr Jawairia Yasin.
Background: Obesity and iron deficiency anemia are major health problems that are exacerbated in Egypt, especially in women. Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to evaluate iron levels in obese Egyptian women in comparison with females of normal body weight. Place and Duration: In the Medicine Unit-II of Sir Gangaram Hospital, Lahore for one-year duration from August 2019 to August 2020. Patients and Methods: Forty-four obese adult women and 44 healthy, normal-weight women were included in the study as controls. All were tested for iron profile and CRP using a semi-quantitative rapid latex agglutination test. Results: the group of patients in this study showed significantly lower serum Fe and TSI levels than the control group, while the ferritin was higher in the patients than the control group. Comparison between the three obesity groups showed that Grade III patients had the lowest median serum iron and the highest median TIBC and ferritin values, but no statistically significant differences were found between the three patient groups (P> 0.05). Our results showed that 70.4% of patients were CRP positive with a positive correlation between CRP and BMI. Conclusions and recommendations: obesity is a low-inflammatory disease that affects the iron profile and increases CRP. In addition, a larger number of cases are recommended to analyze the exact mechanism of iron deficiency anemia in obese women. Key words: iron deficiency, anemia and obesity.