Muhammad Imran Iqbal, Ramisha Arif, Ahmad Saadan Raza
Objective: This research work intended to conclude the practice of the informed consent before surgery in tertiary health care center. Methodology: This research work started in September 2018 and lasted up to December 2018.This research work carried out in surgical units of Jinnah Hospital, Lahore. This was a prospective research work based on observations. The patients who were undergoing elective operation interviewed randomly in the complete duration of the research work under normal conditions. We also asked same standard question from every patient after the surgery linked with the data, we provided them before surgery as a part of standard practice of the informed consent. The question about knowledge of patient about the disease, surgery risks, anesthesia type with its impacts, substitute option of treatment, outcome without treatment, the satisfaction of the patient about the provided data and whether signatures were present on the consent forms. Results: A total of 200 patients were the part of this research work in which 121 were males and 79 were females. In sixteen (8.0%) patients, surgeons involved themselves in obtaining consent. We told only 45.0% (n: 90) patients about the purpose and nature of the method and 44.50% (n: 89) patient swere aware about the probable complications of operation. We told one hundred and forty three(71.50%) patients about the anesthesia type needed but 15.0% (n: 30) got awareness about the dangers of anesthesia. We allowed 20.0% (n: 40) patients to ask question while obtaining consent. Amazingly, majority of the patients as 78.0% (n: 156) sowed their satisfaction for data provided to them in the duration of obtaining consent. Conclusion: The recent practice of informed consent is below from the standards of international level as well as their ethical acceptability is not up to the mark. Yet, majority of the patients showed their satisfaction by the data provided to them during the procedure of the informed consent. This research work put emphasis on the adverse quality of knowledge among patients about the procedures of surgery and short data provided. Keywords: Complications, standard Consent, methodology, patient, outcome, anesthesia.