Ahmad Atif, Dr Abdul Ali, Dr. Mehreen Farid
The lack of information about this disease is confirmed by examining the two studies. Myelodysplastic disease is not well identified by the doctors. In these studies, 44 patients present in interior clinics and outpatients observing interior cases were included. The identification of the Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) was carried out on an old patient. The age of the patient was about 70 years. He contains 9.2 g/Dl hemoglobin in blood. No recommendation was given to the patient from PCP in spite of the bad condition of the patient. He was already suffering from cardiovascular disorder and lungs dysfunction. Another observation on the same disorder was made on the male of 75 ages. He was continuously expressing the indications of the disorder from the last half a year. He has 7.3 hemoglobin amounts in blood and was suffering from exhaustion. He needs more concentration and improves for further treatment. In this report we are trying to designate the causes because of which we cannot treat the patients of MDS. These cases observed earlier were added in the study to learn the indication of the disorder. We will try to better the identification, initial recommendation and cure of the disease. Keywords: Elderly patients; under diagnosis; Anemia; Diagnosis; Primary physician; Myelodysplastic syndrome.