Dr Safia Akhtar, Dr Tayyaba Sohail, Dr Muhammad Ali
Introduction: The characteristics of kidney disease in children differ from congenital kidney and urinary tract defects (CAKUT), such as obstructive uropathies, to acquired glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis and urinary tract infections (UTI). Aims: To determine the pattern of renal diseases in children in our setup. Methods: Children 1 month to 18 years of age with kidney disease who reported to Pediatric Nephrology department of Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi for one-year duration from November 2019 to November 2020. Results: Out of 602 patients, 393 were male and 207 were female. Mean + SD age was 7.2 + 4.21 years. Edema (56%), anemia (38%), painful urination (37%), fever (36%) and burning micturition (34%) were common symptoms. The most common diseases were nephrotic syndrome (NS 49%), chronic kidney disease (CKD 29%) and urolithiasis (4%). Other diseases include congenital obstructive uropathy (3.5%), acute kidney injury (AKI 3%), acute glomerulonephritis (AGN 2%), hypoplastic dysplastic kidney disease (2%), UTIs, neurogenic bladder, and vesicoureteral reflex (VUR). In 321 cases with GN, 290 had NS, 13 had acute GN, 8 had secondary GN, and 3 had congenital NS. Among NS, 268 (90.52%) was presumably Minimal Change Disease (MCD), while 30 had steroid resistance, 14 had focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, 6 membranoproliferative GN, 5 MCD; 2 each had membranous GN and IgM nephropathy. In 173 patients with CKD, the most common causes were renal hypoplasia and dysplasia (39.3%), urinary stones (25.6%), and posterior urethral valves (PUV19%). Other causes were juvenile nephronophthisis (10.4%), VUR (8.6%), neurogenic bladder (7.5%), and cystic kidney disease (5.2%). Among 186 people with CAKUT, renal hypoplasia and dysplasia were found in 43%, PUV in 29%, and VUR in 12.9%. Conclusion: The current spectrum of kidney disease has shown that the most common kidney diseases are PNS, CKD and urinary stones. Key words: primary nephrotic syndrome, chronic kidney disease, congenital defects of the kidneys and urinary tract, urolithiasis, acute kidney injury