Dr Hafiz Zeeshan Muzaffar, Dr Riaz Ahmad, Dr Muhammad Awais Iqbal
Objectives: The aim of our study was to determine Correlation of Diabetes Miletus (DM) patients with family history of Diabetic patients. Study design: A cross sectional study. Place and duration: This study was conducted at Tertiary Care Hospitals of Twin Cities of Pakistan Rawalpindi and Islamabad for the duration of Six months starting from 1st February 2020 to 30th July 2020. Methodology: In our study we screened 55,080 people and their age was 25 and above. Blood glucose level test was used for discrimination of diabetes. The people having BSR level less than 200mg/dl were considered as normal and those who were having more than or equal to 200mg/dl were considered as positive for diabetes. We took family history of all participants having diabetes of any family member. In this family history only, those relatives were included who were having blood relation with the patients. SPSS version 20 was used for the analysis of data. Family history of diabetes, screening for diabetes, gender and age were calculated as frequency and percentage. Association among family history and diabetes was calculated by using chi square test and found significant. Results: In our study we tested 55,080 people and their age was 25 and above for diabetes. The average age of selected patients was 43±12.61 years. Out of 55,080 people 2,855 were found positive for diabetes. Among these selected patients, quantity of males was 32% and number of females were 68%. According to our study 90.3% people had no family history of diabetes in their family while 9.7% reported positive family history. History of diabetes in family among positive cases was reported by 35.3% patients where as 64.7% did not reported any history of diabetes in their families. Statistically significant relation was found among diabetes and family history. Conclusion: At the end of our study, we concluded that there is a positive association among diabetes and family history of diabetic patients. For effective control and to ensure prevention from complications early discrimination should be carried out in diabetic patients. Keywords: Family History, Diabetes, Early Detection, Genetics.