Dr Usman Akhtar,Dr Haider Ali, Dr Sadia Munir.
Human Development Index includes health, education, pay records, and family unit structures to show the suicide rate. A biological study was carried out in individuals in the range of 15 and 49 years of age. The three indexes were developed that were education index (EI), income index (II), and HDI. From authentic information bases per capita income, poverty, and household rates were gathered. Pearson’s correlation coefficient, which is (r), is utilized to decide the strength between per capita pay, suicide rate, joblessness, poverty and depression rates. A various linear regression model was utilized to know the relationship rate between the Human Development Index (HDI) and suicide rates. Human Development Index (HDI) focuses on longevity, basic education and moderate-income. First, an educational component made up of two elements mean and expected years of schooling. Second, a life expectancy component should be estimated using a minimum value. The last element is gross national income (GNI) per capita adjusted to purchasing standards. As a major health issue, there is no global study on suicide. Suicidal rate varies between most countries with different human development index levels. The research examined that the male gender and HDI component is directly linked to increased suicide risk rates. It was the study of the Mexican state. Human Development Index (HDI) of 32 states of Mexican were low 16%, the middle 41% high 22%, and extremely high 13%. An immediate and positive relationship was found between non-family households and the suicide rate. The suicide rate adversely and significantly connected with Pearson (r = -0.350; p < 0.001). The individuals of this state, with the predominance of non-family households, had a positive relationship with the suicide rate. Because of the consequence of this investigation, it is possible to expect that the Human Development Index (HDI) expands and there is a chance of living alone and having suicidal conduct.