Dr Rais Ud Din Ahmad, Dr Muhammad Ahmed Taj, Dr Asia
HIV disease is linked to the trivialization of poverty, which can influence the care practices of mothers and put young newborns at risk. We analyzed the rate and days of sickness with bowel relaxation in babies of HIV-positive (HIV-P), HIV-negative (HIV-N), and obscure HIV status (HIV-U) women, and decided whether indications of postpartum maternal morbidity (PND) adjusted for the danger of running. Pregnant women (n=499) were enrolled in three antenatal centers; mothers and newborns were followed for 13 months. The diarrhea rate was 0.7 scenes/100 days at risk. Our current research was conducted at Mayo Hospital, Lahore from March 2019 to February 2020. More HIV-positive women than non-HIV-positive women and more HIV-positive women than non-HIV-positive women generally reported signs of nervous breakdown (P=0.08). PND indications raised the danger of juvenile racing only for HIV-P and HIV-U women, but not for HIV-N women (connection term, P=0.03). Health care providers should be aware of the increased danger of puerile bowel loosening when maternal indications for HIV and PMS are both available, and should take preventive measures to reduce sluggishness. Keywords: Diarrhea in children of HIV-positive Pakistani women, Symptoms of postpartum depression.