Dr Usman Mumtaz, Dr. Ahsan Jamshaid, Dr Arsalan Ahmed
Objective: We desired to assess the practicality of this innovative approach in our patients suffering from complaints of lumbar appearances in our Algology Division. Radiofrequency Thermo coagulation is the usually new method and was projected for the treatment of back agony examined from the joints of the spinal column. Methods: In this evaluation, the observational exploration, the refurbishment histories of 498 patients with lumbar aspect complaints treated with RFT in 2016-2018, were substantiated. Overall evidence was collected from plague evaluation sheets in patients' documents and noted. Information on age, gender, scores on the Simple Visual Scale (SVS) when treated and post-treatment accomplishment scores were logged from the patients' treatment records. Plague scores on the Simple Visual Scale (SVA), daily exercises (1= poor to 4 = generally excellent) and achievement scores (1= poor to 4 = phenomenal) before the technique and on Day 1, Day 2, and subsequently at several weeks, 2 weeks, one month, half a year and one year after the approach remained deliberated and distinguished. Results: Accomplishment scores were originate to be considerably developed after treatment. Progressive scores were originate sophisticated after treatment than before treatment. No predicament was distinguished in any of patients. The middling VAS score before treatment was 9.04 ± 2.07, one month after treatment it was fundamentally reduced and one and a half year after treatment it was 2.19 ± 0.78. Conclusion: Authors believe that radio recurrence thermo-coagulation can lead to a substantial longstanding enhancement in lumbar agony, and may recover physical capacity to the larger degree in cases having appearance disorders. Key words: Pain dimension; Low back agony; VAS; Facet disease; Radiofrequency thermo-coagulation.