Maryiah Abdulhadi Alali, Adel Aldossary
Background: Bronchial asthma is a major health problem nationally and internationally. Bronchial asthma manged usually by inhaler therapy to control symptoms. Correct use of the inhaler devices is important as the incorrect use of the inhaler devices leads to poor control of the disease. This study aimed to evaluate the technique of inhaler devices among asthmatic adult Patient that visit Pulmonary clinic at Dammam Central Hospital and Qatif Central Hospital. Methods: This is a cross-sectional observational study among asthmatic patient that attend pulmonary outpatient clinics at Dammam central hospital and Qatif central hospital. Questioners were filled by the patient about the demographical data and the level of control of the disease then the inhaler technique for each patient was assessed using a validated checklist. Result: From 106 asthmatic patients, Only 16 % of patients use the inhaler correctly. According to asthma control test 52 (49.06%) of the patient was uncontrol, 36 (33.96%) was partially control and 18 (16.98%) was uncontrol. 97 patients (91.5%) received education about the use of inhalers. There was a significant relationship between the control of the disease and the correct use of inhaler devices. Also, there was a significant relationship between the higher level of education and the correct use of inhaler devices. Conclusion: Improper use of inhaler devices among asthmatic patients was observed in this study. And this is associated with improper control of the disease. Keywords: Asthma, Inhaler technique, Meter dose inhaler, Dry powder inhaler, Trubohaler, Saudi Arabia