Sajjad Tassawar, Rana Muhammad Farooq Sattar, Muhammad Haji
Objective: This study's main objective is to determine the link between a cervical rib and thoracic outlet syndrome in the population of Pakistan. Design and duration: the study is of observational type, and the duration of the study is 12 months from May 2019 to April 2019. Settings: the study was conducted in the surgical ward of Nishtar Hospital Multan. Patients and methods: Patients reporting symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome in the hospital were tested for cervical rib using x-rays and MRI CT scans. Convenience sampling techniques have been used. Patients from both genders of different ages were included in the study. All the data were calculated in a pre-designed performa, and data were analyzed using SPSS version 24 and presented via tables and graphs. The confidence interval was 95%, with a 5% error margin. Less than 0.05 P-value was considered to be relevant. Results: a total of 180 thoracic outlet syndrome cases, including 68(37.8%) male and 112(62.2 per cent) female patients were reported. In 14(7.8 per cent cases), the cervical rib was present. One hundred fifty-nine patients were reported with numbness on the medial side of the forearm and hand. 8(57.1%) of the patients with cervical rib were treated with surgical excision, while six were treated with conservative treatment with analgesics. Analgesics and anxiolytics were given to 141 patients who have thoracic outlet syndrome and not having cervical ribs (166 patients), and nerve conduction studies were done in 25 patients. Conclusion: Past, clinical evaluation, and verified radiological examination and neurophysiological tests are used to diagnose thoracic outlet syndrome. The treatment of TOS depends on the case of TOS. In most cases, patients are cured only with conservative therapy, and surgical therapy is indicated only if conservative therapy fails.