Dr Waqar Ahmad, Dr Abdullah Muhammad Ashfaq, Dr Anam Aslam
Objective: The aim of our study was to find out the clinical parameters of hydroxyurea in thalassemia patients and to calculate the occurrence of its side effects. Study Design: A descriptive study. Place and duration: This study was conducted at the department of Pediatrics, District Headquarters hospital Sargodha for the duration of five months starting from April,2020 to September, 2020. Methodology: In our study we observed 150 patients who were meeting the criteria for inclusion of thalassemia intermedia. To monitor the side effects of hydroxyurea we sent baseline investigators. Patients took their hydroxyurea dose as 15mg/kg per day and after fifteen days patients were visited for first eight weeks and then they were called monthly for four months. After this if we do not observe any response of described dosage in first visit, we increase the dose of hydroxyurea to 20mg/kg per day and then called again for visit after two weeks. If the level of Hb increase then it is labeled according to clinical criteria, and if the level of Hb doesn’t increase then Hb labeled as no response. When the hydroxyurea was start in third month, we grade the patients according to clinical criteria. All the gathered data was entered in the SPSS version 20 for analysis. Results: In our present study we observed 150 patients in which 71 patients (47%) out of 150 were having independent transfusion and 79 patients (53%) out of 150 were having dependent transfusion. 27 patients (18%) were those who don’t show any response of Hb even after increasing of dose of hydroxyurea from15mg/kg per day to 20mg/kg per day and 123 patients (82%) were those who show response of Hb in normal per day dosage. Out of 123 patients who showed positive response, 49 patients (32.7%) were partial responder and 74 patients (49.3%) were good responder. 1.5g/dl to 2.5g/dl is a mean increment in hemoglobin in good responders. Conclusion: At the end of our study, we conclude that with few side effects hydroxyurea is a good medicine for the treatment of thalassemia. Regular blood transfusions can be prevented in thalassemia patients with regular use of hydroxyurea. Keywords: Thalassemia Intermedia, Response, Hydroxyurea, Side Effects