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Dr Huma Ali, Dr Naziha Azam,Dr Arslan Ali


Among the human being Helicobacter pylori is the most common bacterial infection. This study has a specific aim to associate Helicobacter pylori infection in patients of diabetes mellitus. The basic design of the study was observational methodical cross sectional. Sixty Nine subjects were studied from which, 30 were non diabetics and 39 were diabetics, and their disease was 1 year or more old. The serological diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori was made according to the test of Anti- Helicobacter pylori antibody. All diabetic patients’ Antral biopsies specifically were taken during endoscopy. It was specifically observed that the diabetics mean age was 48.9±9.86 years and on the contrary of non-diabetics was 47.9±9.16 years. Subject’s majority belonged to fifth and sixth decades. There was conspicuous male preponderance in both the diabetics and the non-diabetics group, more attributable to the selection bias. The samples of serum for almost all the subjects were examined for the presence of IgG against Helicobacter pylori. In 40% subjects the Helicobacter pylori was positive particularly in non-diabetics and 64.1% of diabetics X2= 3.96, p value=0.047 (p<0.05) which was the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in diabetics is prominently greater as compared with non-diabetics. Histological analysis of antral biopsies was performed in all diabetics and comparison of the type of diabetes, duration of diabetes, and level of glycaemia and complications of diabetes were made in patients of diabetes with and deprived of Helicobacter pylori. According to this study IDDM patients had greater positivity (75%) as compared with those of NIDDM (67.6%). The mean duration with Helicobacter pylori of diabetes group was 7.85+3.93 years, and greater than that of diabetics deprived of Helicobacter pylori which was 5.83±2.52. The fasting blood sugar’s mean was 192±60.3 mg/dl in diabetics with the group of Helicobacter pylori and was greater than that of diabetics deprived of Helicobacter pylori group which was 167±37.1mg/dl. The mean post prandial blood sugar in diabetics with Helicobacter pylori group was 318±78.4mg/dl and was higher than that of diabetics deprived of Helicobacter pylori group in whom it was 280±49.7mg/dl. The 2 diagnostic modalities viz serological and histological recognition of Helicobacter pylori associated well with each other. It was revealed that serological diagnosis by Anti- Helicobacter pylori antibody test is 80% sensitive and 75% particular. The Helicobacter pylori prevalence is greater in diabetics than the non-diabetics. The Helicobacter pylori infection prevalence had no important connection with duration of diabetes, type of diabetes, glycaemia levels of diabetics and complications of diabetics. The serological diagnosis of H. pylori was made by Anti-Helicobacter pylori antibody test, by Biochem Immuno systems ITALIA SPA ELAGEN Helicobacter pylori IgG Kit This ELISA technique is 80% sensitive and 75% specific. Keywords: Correlation, Barriers, Diabetes mellitus, Gastritis, H. pylori, Infection.


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