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Mohammed Saleh Gojgar , Abdulaziz Mohammed Fallatah , Jehad Khairuddein Tamim , Ayad Yousif M Alahmadi , Abdu Ibrahim Hakami , Noor Hameed Ali Alhaddar , Hassan Mohammad Homadi , Fahad Obaid Mohammed Alnamshah , Ibrahim Abdullah Homadi , Abdulaziz Hamid Albarakati , Abdulaziz Khalid Maddah , Fatinah Hashim Aloqpi, Malak Meshary Husain Alnaim


Introduction: Celiac disease is considered an autoimmune disease that happens in genetically predisposed individuals who get an immune reaction to gluten. The disease mainly influences the small intestine; but the clinical presentation are wide, with both intestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms. Celiac disease is noteworthy as broad clinical spectrum of presentations, large age range at which beginning can happen, and the elevated morbidity and mortality that has been shown in many studies. The disease also adds a model of an immune -based disease with both strong genetic and environmental risk factors. Aim of work: In this review, we will discuss regarding celiac disease. Methodology: We did a systematic search for celiac disease using PubMed search engine ( and Google Scholar search engine ( All relevant studies were retrieved and discussed. We only included full articles. Conclusions: In spite of the increase in the prevalence of celiac disease and enhanced recognition and numbers of diagnosis, many avenues of investigation are necessary to understand the pathogenesis and enhanced the management of patients with this condition. Enhancements in the pathophysiology of celiac disease may let preventive techniques in individuals at high risk for disease development. The development of non-dietary therapies may relieve symptoms in patients with celiac disease and inadvertent gluten exposure, and an effective alternative of the gluten-free diet could greatly enhance the quality of life of those many patients who find adhering to the diet very difficult. advances for the detection of gluten in food and to examine for recent gluten exposure may enhance the design of future clinical trials and may be of critical value in patients daily activities. Key words: celiac disease, pathophysiology, risk factors, epidemiology, management


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