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Salem Ahmed Khalil Dahi 1 , Wafa’a Ghazi Ahmed Nasser , Abdullah Mohammed Almoabdi , Saad Ali M Asiri , Njood obaid salem bazhair , Reham Abdulrahman abdulhai Abdullah , Ayah ali mohmmed , Bayan Abdulrahman Alsultan , Fatimah abdulwahab alhawaj , Aqeel Ghassan AlHashim , Nasser Saeed Nasser Alasmari , Abdullah Khalaf A Alshammari


Introduction: Sleep disorders are very common and can affect sleep quality and quantity, which can cause increased morbidity. people with sleep disorders may be classified as those who can’t sleep, those who will not sleep, those with increased daytime sleepiness, and those with excessive movements during sleep. Generally, insomnia, defined as difficulty starting or preserving sleep that cause in daytime morbidness, is diagnosed depending on history findings and can be treated with cognitive behavior therapy, with or without sleep hypnotics. Restless legs syndrome is distinguished by an urge to move the legs that get worse with rest, get better by movement, and usually appears in the evening or at night. Restless legs syndrome treatment is managed depending on the frequency of symptoms. Narcolepsy is distinguished by the presence of increased sleepiness, cataplexy, sleep paralysis, and hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations. The diagnosis is made using a sleep log or actigraphy, then by overnight polysomnography and a multiple sleep latency test. Narcolepsy can be treated with stimulants, like modafinil; selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; or gamma hydroxybutyric acid (sodium oxybate). Individuals with snoring and witnessed apneas might have obstructive sleep apnea, which can be diagnosed by the use of overnight polysomnography. In fact, Continuous positive airway pressure is one of the most common and efficient treatments for obstructive sleep apnea. Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder is distinguished by excessive muscle tone during rapid eye movement sleep, caused by the individual’s acting out dreams with potential hurtful outcomes. The diagnosis is made depending on history and polysomnography findings, and the treatment is with environmental safety measures and melatonin or clonazepam. Aim of work: In this review, we will discuss management of sleep disorder in family practice Methodology: We did a systematic search for Family management of sleep disorder in family practice using PubMed search engine ( and Google Scholar search engine ( All relevant studies were retrieved and discussed. We only included full articles. Conclusions: Sleep disorders are very common and can affect sleep quality and quantity, which can cause increased morbidity. Individuals with sleep disorders might be classified into those who cannot sleep, those who will not sleep, those with increased daytime sleepiness, and those with excessive movements during sleep. Although a lot of sleep disorders could be diagnosed depending on history alone, overnight poly somnography might be beneficial to detect disorders like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Near about 10 percent of the United States population has suffered from insomnia that occurred each night for at least 2 weeks; but many don't discuss this with their doctor. Key words: sleep disorder, presentation, complication, management, family practice.


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