Dr Sumera Chaudary
Objective: To compare the outcome of C-section with and without postpartum IUCD insertion in terms of frequency of bleeding and wound infection. Methodology: The design of this study is Randomized controlled trial and this study was conducted in Gynecology Department of Allied Hospital from December 2013 to June 2014. Group A included 151 patients who had IUCD inserted at caesarean section. Group B also included 151 subjects who had caesarean section without IUCD insertion. Wound infection and amount of bleeding was recorded. Bleeding said to be heavy when there is passage of clots or 3-4 pads soaked per day within three days of caesarean section. Wound is infected when there is discharge from wound or there is fever of more than 100F within seven days of caesarean section. Results: There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of wound infection and bleeding. Wound was infected in 6.6%(n=10) in group A and 5.3%(n=8) in group B, p-value calculated as 0.627. Bleeding was heavy in 2.6%(n=4) in group A and 1.3%(n=2) in group B, p-value was recorded as 0.410. So there was no significant difference in both the groups in terms of bleeding and wound infection. Conclusion: C-section with postpartum IUCD is equally better as compared to C-section without IUCD insertion in terms of bleeding and wound infection. Women undergoing caesarean section, who are desirous of, and suitable for using this method, should be given the option of IUCD insertion at the same time. Key Words: C-Section - Caesarean Section, IUCD - Intrauterine Contraceptive Device.