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Anaza Nisar, Sadia, Ramsha Aabroo Sherdil


Objective: To determine the frequency of gastro esophageal varices in patients presenting with liver cirrhosis. Subject and Methods: This was a Cross sectional study conducted at multicenter, Medical departments. In this study there were 300 cases of liver cirrhosis enrolled over the period of January 2018 to December 2018 between the ages of 30 to 60 years of any gender. The diagnosis of liver cirrhosis was made by the presence of clinical signs and symptoms with ascites, jaundice, splenomegaly, decreased serum albumin, prolonged PT and decreased liver size on USG abdomen. The detailed socio demographic data and clinical information was taken and recorded. These cases then underwent Upper GI endoscopy. The varices of at least grade II or more were considered. Results: Out of total 300 patients in present study, there were 174 (58%) males and 126 (42%) females with mean age of 52.24±4.45 years. Gastro oesophageal varices (GOV) of grade II or more was seen in 143 cases (47.67%). GOV was seen in 83 males (47.16%) and 60 females (48.39%) out of their respective groups with p= 0.95. GOV were maximum seen in age group of 46-60 years affecting 129 (59.18%) cases (p= 0.02). GOV were significantly high seen in cases with child pugh class C having in 66 (84.62%) as compared to 20 (16.67%) in class A with p= 0.001. Conclusion: Liver cirrhosis is common in developing countries like Pakistan. Complications like OGV are common and are significantly associated with higher age and Child pugh class C. Key Words: GOV, Liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension.


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