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Bone Remodeling and Bone Grafting: Essentials of Synergism


Tarasenko S.V, Diachkova E.Yu, Fomin M.R, Vlasova Yu.K, Novikova A.A, Shchepetina A.Yu


Abstract: The majority of oral surgeries require using bone grafts due to the insufficient volume of the residual bone. To be able to make a decision on choosing a proper graft material, a surgeon should understand the whole chain of the processes which start from the graft insertion and go on. In this paper, the basic cellular and tissue mechanisms of bone formation, resorption, and remodeling are elucidated. The light is shed on the fundamentally different pathways of bone formation which occur both naturally in the course of ontogenesis and after any damage to bone has been done. Several histologic studies assessing the quality and quantity of newly formed bone when different bone grafting materials, such as autologous bone, autologous tooth, demineralized freeze-dried bone, and deproteinized bovine bone were used are included in this paper. The particles of most graft materials, except for autologous bone and tooth, to a greater extent remain unchanged within the newly formed bone matrix. This finding prompts further search for alternative materials which could completely integrate into the bone structure. Key words: bone tissue, osteogenesis, graft material, cell, histology


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