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Khawer Saeeda, Rubina Yasmin, Shumaila Batool


Introduction: Pregnancy and the postpartum can be times of joy and positive expectations but also of stress and difficulties. Aims and objectives: The main objective of the study is to analyse the stress and depression during pregnancy in Pakistan. Material and methods: This descriptive study was conducted in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore during June 2019 to January 2020.This study was done with the permission of ethical committee of hospital. Data were collected from 100 pregnant female patients. Results: The data was collected from 100 female patients. The mean maternal age of study and control groups were 28.4±5.5 and 29.4±5.7 years, respectively. Median gestational age of study participants was 11.1±2.1 weeks and 10.9±2.2 weeks for controls. No statistically significant difference was observed between the study and control groups. If the diagnosis of NVP or HG is made, but there is poor response to initial interventions, an atypical presentation, or initial presentation after 9–10 weeks, other causes must be explored. If there is fever, a source of infection should be sought or if the history suggests a CNS abnormality, check for signs of raised intracranial pressure. Conclusion: It is concluded that pregnancy is a time of increased vulnerability for the development of anxiety and mood disorders. Some women may experience their first depressive episode during pregnancy, while others are at risk of recurrence due to a previous history of depression and anxiety.

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