Abdur Rahman Butt, Muhammad Asad Khan, Zohaib Asghar
Background: Cholecystectomy is the most procedure performed in hosptotal these days. often this is follwed by histopathology examination. The objective of this study is to find out the spectrum of diseases as this varies from country to country. Materials and Methods: It was a cross sectional study in the department of Pathology for the period of six months. Data of only those gallbladder specimens was included in the study who had a confirmed diagnosis of gallstones using ultrasonography. Data was computed on Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Data was analyzed using software and interpreted in the form of frequencies and percentages. Results: A total of six hundred and forty-four samples were included. Various age groups were seen but most specimens received they belonged to patients of 41-60 years age group. There was predominance of specimens from female subjects. Most common pathological diagnosis was chronic cholecystitis. Conclusion: Chronic cholecystitis is the most common finding encountered. The frequency of carcinoma gallbladder carcinoma was very low. Keywords: spectrum, gallbladder, female