ResearcherID - CLICK HERE Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF-2020) - CLICK HERE




Asma Naseem, Rahat Naveed, Anam Batool


Kala pathar (Paraphenylene Diamine) is one of the hair dying substance and is commonly used in developing countries like Pakistan. The cases of its exposure accidentally as well as for suicidal intent are commonly seen in emergency departments with wide range of clinical spectrum. Objective: To determine the frequency of different complications seen in cases with kala pathar poisoning. Methods: This cross sectional study was done at Services Hospital, Lahore and THQ Kotmomim from the period of July 2018 to December 2018. The patients with age 12-60 years having suspected history of PPD exposure were taken. The data regarding the type, duration and intent of exposure was taken along with the other demographics. They were then underwent extensive investigation to look for various complications. Results: In this study there were 60 cases, comprising 22 (36.67%) males and 38 (63.33%) females with mean age 25.42±7.42 years. Out of 60 cases, 54 (90%) were unmarried and 56 (93.33%) had oral ingestion in contrast to 04 (6.67%), trans-dermal intoxication. All those cases that had trans-dermal intoxication had the accidental exposure while out of 56 cases that had oral intake 54 (90%) had it with suicidal intent. Dysphagia was seen in 44 (73.33%) cases, followed by hyperkalemia (53.33%) and then maxillofacial edema (40%). There was almost equal distribution of acute renal failure and arrhythmia while acute hepatitis was seen in only 8 (13.33%) of cases. Conclusion: Kala pathar intoxication is common in female gender, younger age groups and unmarried population. Its toxicity is also common with oral intake. Dysphagia and hyperkalemia are the most common complications of this. Key words: kala pathar intoxication, PPD, ARF.


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