Kupina A.D., Petrov Y.A.
Aim. In the modern world, there is a tendency to increase the number of patients with chronic endometritis. Chronic endometritis may cause fertility decline and early reproductive loss. It is necessary to develop new diagnostic methods for this disease in order to select the optimal petrogenetically determined treatment tactics, to preserve and restore the reproductive health and fertility of patients. Materials and methods. Evaluation of sonographic signs of chronic endometritis with the allocation of “masks” of the disease, as well as hysteroscopic macrotypes (hypo-, hyperplastic, mixed), which allow to specify the nature of endometrial lesions and determine an individual treatment strategy. The study involved 490 women who had a history of early reproductive loss (spontaneous abortion, undeveloped pregnancy, failed attempts at in vitro fertilization, and others). All women underwent the following studies: hysteroscopy, pathomorphological studies (aspirates and biopsy specimens from cervical of the canal channel and uterine cavity), sonographic, dopplerometric research. Results. The frequency of verification of chronic endometritis according to histological research exceeded the frequency of confirmation of the disease in sonography, which necessitates a comprehensive examination of patients with early reproductive losses. The determination of macro types of chronic endometritis during hysteroscopy will simplify the differential diagnosis and reduce the incidence of sonographic “masks” of this disease. Keywords: chronic endometritis, sonography, dopplerometry, macrotypes of chronic endometritis