Anzhelika A. Baeva, Yusup A. Yuldashbaev, Rustem B. Temiraev, Lada A. Vityuk, Marina G. Kokaeva, Raisa V. Osikina, Valentina S. Gappoeva, Maria S. Gazzaeva, Larisa H. Shugusheva, Elena F. Zagaraeva
In recent years,providing balanced feeding at industrial poultry farms for the prevention of aflatoxicosis in meat poultry mold inhibitors and antioxidants of a new generation have become widely used as feed additives in the formulation of the complete feedfor poultry. The aim of the research is to find out the effectiveness of the addition of the Tox-Nil mold inhibitor and the Oxi-Nil antioxidant to wheat-barley-sunflower mixed fodders with a tolerant dosage of aflatoxin B1 for increasing meat productivity and biological value of broiler chicken meatAscientificandproductionexperimentwasconductedonthefourgroupsofbroilerchickensofthe"Ross-308" cross with 100 heads each, formed according to the principle of analogue groups. It was established that combined addition of preparations of Oxi-Nil in a dose of 600 g / t of feed and Tox-Nil in a dose of 750 g / t of feed to the combined feed with the tolerant level of aflatoxin B1 provided the best productive effect in broiler chickens.Joint supplements of these preparations to wheat-barley-sunflower mixed fodders with a tolerant dosage of aflatoxin B1, resulted in a significant (P> 0.95) increase in the weight of the half-dressed carcass by 12.44%,dressed–by 12.85% and slaughter yield - by 1.12%in the chicken broilers of the 3 test group against the control group.Relative to the control analogues in the meat poultry of the 3 test group in the samples of the pectoral and femoral muscles, there was a significant (P˃0.95) increase in the dry matter content by 1.02 and 1.01%, protein by 1.30 and 1.29%,and at the same time, a reduction of the mass fraction of fat – by 0.36 and 0.33%. The combined feeding of preparations Oxi-Nil in a dose of 600 g/t of feed and Tox-Nil in a dose of 1250 g / t of feedresulted in statistically significant (P>0.95) increase of the protein quality index of meat by 16.45%in broiler chickens of 3 experimental groupcompared to the control analogues. Keywords: Broilers, aflatoxins, mold inhibitor, antioxidant, control slaughter results, chemical composition of meat.