Dr Waleed Bakht Yar Khan, Dr Manzar Yaqoob, Dr Usama Yousaf
Introduction: An important factor responsible for the high mortality in patients with severe head trauma is cerebral hypoxia. Objectives of the study: The main objective of the study is to analyse the early tracheostomy on early weaning off ventilatory support and hospital staff in patients with isolated severe head injury. Methodology of the study: This descriptive study was conducted at Teaching Hospital, University of Lahore, Lahore during January 2019 to August 2019. Patients > 18 years of age, who underwent tracheostomy were included in this analysis. Patients coming from outside hospital with tracheostomy in situ were excluded. Patients were divided into two groups, ET group and LT group (patients who underwent tracheostomy >5 days of endotracheal intubation). Results: The data was collected from 50 patients. Besides the improvement in the GCS and SAPS scores the end point of the study was to see whether tracheostomy led to decrease in mortality rate when compared with similar controls and whether there was reduction in hospital stay in tracheostomised patients. The final outcome (in terms of mortality) was analyzed utilizing chi-square test. The cell chi was 1.30 and 1.141, the degree of freedom was 1 and p was less than 0.05, which is significant. Conclusion: It is concluded that early tracheostomy is beneficial in patients with isolated closed head injury, severe enough to affect systemic physiological parameters, in terms of decreased mortality and intubation associated complications in centres where ICU care is not readily or easily available.