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Dr Sundas Manzoor, Dr. Muhammad Waleed Ghous, Dr Sanabil Anwar


Objective: The aim of this research work is to assess the rate of CS (cesarean section) among various groups of obstetricians handling the NTSV (Nulliparous-Term-Singleton with Vertex) child birth at Benazir Bhutto Hospital Rawalpindi, for a period of four months. Methodology: This research work is a secondary examination of retroactive data that assessed the factors influencing the rate of cesarean section of the NTSV females. The patients present with the cesarean section (100) were the participants of the case group and females with normal deliveries through vagina (100) were the participants of the group of the healthy controls. Results: The average age of the patients was 24.58 ± 4.18 years. The average period of gestation was 38.60 ± 1.0 weeks. Probability of cesarean section was a little bit less in the females who regularly visited the fetal maternal consultants and this rate was a little bit higher in the patients who came under the management of the non-full time faculty. Odds of cesarean sections was high among the consultants with a mean monthly volumes of 21 to 31 patients per month. No finding of the research was much significant statistically. Not significant rise in the danger of cesarean section was present with the enhancement of the awareness as well as experience of the obstetricians. Conclusion: The findings of this research work were not able to show any significant disparity in the rate of cesarean section among various groups of the physicians in obstetric field. The findings show that the management of the labor in accordance with the standard instruction can mitigate the bias of these professionals. There is also need to conduct the multi centers prospective research works for better evaluation of the accurate outcomes. Keywords: Cesarean, Obstetricians, Vagina, Delivery, Nulliparous-Term-Singleton with Vertex.


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