Dr Syed Abid Mehdi Kazmi, Dr Naheed Sana, Dr Muhammad Qamar Nazeer
Objectives: To find out the different factors influencing the outcome of hospitalization among patients suffering from liver cirrhosis who got admission in our hospital. Methodology: This study was conducted at Ziauddin hospital Karachi. we collected the data of the patients of liver cirrhosis with more than 12 years of age who got admission in our hospital from May 2019 to April 2020 with the utilization of purposive sampling. We noted down the outcome of the hospitalization in term of “Death” & “No death”. We used the SPSS V.23 for the statistical analysis of the collected information. We performed the bivariate analysis & logistic regression analysis for ascertaining the impacts of various predictors like sex, age, past history of DM (Diabetes Mellitus), cirrhosis’s etiology, availability of hepatic encephalopathy at the time of appearance, presence of upper gastro-intestinal bleed and trachea-bronchial aspiration on the probability that death would be the final outcome among the patients suffering from liver cirrhosis. Results: Among a sum of total 1000, 13.50% patients died in the duration of hospitalization. The average age of died patients was 36.06±12.27 years. Bivariate analysis proposed that rate of mortality was much high in the patient’s groups who were present with hepatic encephalopathy at the time of presentation (P<0.010), no upper GI bleed (P<0.010) and patients who obtained tracheobronchial aspiration in the duration of hospitalization (P<0.010). There was no difference in this rate both genders (P=0.3020), diabetic group & non-diabetic group (P=0.4320), with non-viral/viral etiology of liver cirrhosis (P=0.7160). Logistic regression analysis showed that patients who were present with trachea-bronchial aspiration were 10.170 times more likely to meet their death than the patients who were present without trachea-bronchial aspiration. In the same manner, patients present with hepatic encephalopathy were 5.640 times more likely to be died who had no hepatic encephalopathy. Conclusion: Inpatient rate of mortality in the patients of liver cirrhosis was much high. Sex, age, past history of DM, viral etiology of liver cirrhosis did not take part in this high rate of mortality. The patients presented with hepatic encephalopathy and the patients suffering from trachea-bronchial aspiration in the duration of hospitalization were more expected to die. Keywords: Mortality, Cirrhosis, Hepatic, Trachea, Hospitalization, Outcome.