Dr Khadija Mariyum, Dr Muhammad Adeel ur Rahim, Dr Abdul Rahman
Background and objectives: Diseases of the ear, nose and throat (ENT) are universally a significant general health concern. The Global Burden of Disease (GBD), including ENT conditions, has consistently been accounted for to be relative to asset deprivation. This study aimed to analyse the nursing care in ear, nose and throat disorders. Methodology of the study: This prospective cross-sectional study was done in RMC during January 2019 to July 2019. The data was collected through a questionnaire. The data was collected from those patients who visited the hospital for ENT disorders. The data collection team consist of ENT specialists, audiologists and hospital nurses. The hospital was well equipped with an operating microscope and ENT instruments. Results: The data was collected from 100 patients which were appropriate for our inclusion criteria. We observe all the symptoms that were commonly present in patients. So that we can identify the care related to these symptoms and problems of ENT. According to our results the group B which were handled with trained nurses for ENT nursing care were showed the better results as compared to group A who have less knowledge of nursing care. Conclusion: It is concluded that creating awareness of the common ENT conditions and how they are caused and treatment options available help decrease the burden of the disease in the community.