Dr. Mehrin Usman Ali Arifa, Dr Umm E Kalsoom Siddiqui, Dr Shazia Amjed
Background- The typical definition of fatigue is the feeling of aversion to effort, lack of energy, weariness, and early exhaustion. Due to inactive lifestyle, the rate of fatality became after three years of stroke in individuals who are the survivor of stroke with fatality. The induced activity which damage the ability to exert force is called Neuromuscular fatigue. Neuromuscular fatigue can be measured by the reduction in ability of muscles for exerting a force during an activity. After stroke, the walking function greatly impacted by the paretic leg muscles fatigue. That’s why, muscular fatigue in people after stroke can be quantitatively measured by the association of walking function with paretic leg muscles. This is a slight research which particularly measures the neuromuscular fatigue resulting stroke. The main objective of this study was to access relation of neuromuscular fatigue which can result in stroke and compare it with gender and age matched healthy individuals. Methodology- For this study total 80 subject were taken, and by purposive sampling these 80 participants divided in to two groups named as control group and experimental group and each group had 40 subjects. All those patients were included who were diagnosed to have chronic stroke before six months by Registered Doctors. Using Dual Bio Stimulator/Amp the hamstrings and quadriceps muscles activity of all subject were recorded of both non-paretic and paretic side. By performing “Maximum Voluntary Contraction” (MVC) exercise EMG signals induced in Pre-fatigue were recorded on both muscles of all participants. Also, in the same way “Sit to Stand test (STS)” was performed on all patients and exercise EMG signals were recorded induced in post-fatigue. To assess the chronic fatigue “Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS)” was used whereas to assess the subjective levels of pre and post exercise in fatigue “Visual Analog Fatigue Scale (VAFS)” was used. Results- “In hamstrings the mean activity of post fatigue EMG is significantly lower as compared to the mean activity of pre-fatigue EMG in non-paretic, paretic and control study group. Likewise, in quadriceps, the mean activity of post fatigue EMG is significantly lower as compared to the mean activity of pre-fatigue EMG in non-paretic, paretic and control study group.” Conclusion- In this study it was observed that in chronic stroke, the peripheral neuromuscular fatigue is different in comparison of matched control group with same gender and age. Keywords: Visual analog fatigue scale, Fatigue severity scale, Surface electromyography, neuromuscular fatigue, Chronic stroke, Chronic fatigue.