Dr Saman Farid, Dr. Sara Mushtaq, Dr. Abeer Imtiaz
The purpose of this study to find the material in glucose of brain. In the material in glucose of brain we have to find the glycemic. After the many experiment it’s remain unclear about variability on form 1 diabetes. In form 1 disease patients have low sugar glucose level. ANTI-GAD and ANTI-IA2 destructs the beta cells which are responsible for production of insulin. Insulin is a chemical which is responsible for proper observance of glucose in blood cells. If proper glucose not observed in blood cells. It reduces the energy of patients. It leads many patients to death. This varies in glycemic on the material in glucose of brain kinetics is remained un-clear. We performed study in Mayo hospital Lahore to UN clear this varies in glycemic. We performed experiment on 15 A-1 diabetes patients their age is about 35 years and on 10 healthy participants. We wore them a device called monitoring of glucose in a body (Dexom). To for the measurement of these variability in 6 we studied patient continuous in 6 days. It observes the difference in glucose chemical. We measures that hyper glycemic clamps on model of form 1 diabetes to find the difference in travelling of glucose and metabolism. We observe the same difference in plasma glucose level during hyper glycemic chemical. We observed that patients have form 1 diabetes had small increments in intracerebral glucose. We also find that the change in the material in glucose of brain is co-related positive with the values of r=0.8 and p=0.0060.This proves that the varies in glycemic is proportional with the material in glucose of brain level. KEYWORDS: Form 1 diabetes, intracerebral glucose, varies in glycemic, Mayo hospital Lahore