
University Grants Commission Approved List of Journals


Article and chapter reprints from IAJPS journals and books are an outstanding way to educate your audience and reinforce your product message.

Reprints are available in color or black and white, and authors may order reprints of their own articles after they have published in final form.


Authors of papers published in most IAJPS journals can purchase article reprints at prices exclusively reserved for authors.The minimum quantity that can be ordered is 50 reprints – up to a maximum of 500.


If you are interested in reprints of an article, please email us at iajps.editor@gmail.com

Reprints are shipped approximately 2-3 weeks after publication of your article and receipt of your order & payment. Payment must be received before reprints can be shipped.

Commercial reprints

We ask that those wishing to reproduce articles for commercial purposes pay our commercial rates. The income received helps us to waive article-processing charges for authors who lack funds to cover these costs.

SJIF Impact Factor 7.381

IAJPS Approved Journal

Special Features


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