Volume : 08, Issue : 08, August – 2021



Authors :

Kalpana B. Janrao , Yutika B. Mahale, Samadhan N. Kokate, Bhavana Kokane,Sonali Kawade, Jaiprakash Kokane

Abstract :

Severe acute respiratory syndrome Corona viruse-2(SARS-COV-2) infection caused more than 83 million cases known at the end of 2020 of pandemic Corona virus disease- 2019(covid-19). According to World Health Organisation announced clinical effort to advance a new vaccine booster which provides increased protection against variants of Corona virus 2019. According to database of literature review we describe the ongoing race between immunization and the natural selection of potential viral escape mutants. Also summarise serial testing of asymptomatic persons and analysis of vaccination.
Keywords- Severe acute respiratory Syndrome, Corona virus, immunization, Variants, mutants, vaccination.

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Please cite this article in press Yutika B. Mahale et al., Genetic Variants Of Sars (Covid-19)., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2021; 08(08).

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