Volume : 08, Issue : 08, August – 2021



Authors :

AjinkyaR. Pawar, Vaishnavi P.Taskar, Sagar B Kadam, Sanika R. Bhalerao, Jaiprakash Kokane, Bhavana Kokane, Sonali Kawade

Abstract :

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona virus -2(SARS-COV-2)is highly transmissible and pathogenic Corona virus,has caused a pandemic of acute respiratory disease named Corona virus disease 2019(Covid-19) which threaten human health and public safety. On January 30.2020 World Health Organisation declared the outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of international concern. In these review we describe basic virology of SARS-COV-2, including diagnosis, treatment. We summarise current knowledge of clinical epidemiology and pathological features of COVID-19 as well as Immune response, management of disease, control and prevention strategies, progress in vaccination for SARS COV-2.
Keywords- Severe acute respiratory syndrome, Corona virus -19, epidemiology, pathology, public health, prevention strategies.

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Please cite this article in press AjinkyaR. Pawar et al., Review On SARS COV-2 (COVID-19)., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2021; 08(08).

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